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Practice our eloquence_练习我们的口才英语作文200字

2020-01-10 16:30:01

In modern society, people's relationship is more and more complex. The relationship between human beings and society is getting closer and closer. Therefore, social interaction is indispensable. As people have more and more opportunities to cooperate with each other, people who are away from the collective cannot live and lose value. And our language skills are increasingly important. By now in human life, eloquence has become an important factor in determining one's life and career success. A good population, complete and fluent language, always more successful, easy to be accepted and admired by people. A good talker can help others understand you better and trust you. And we all know people who can talk, who are popular everywhere, who know more friends, who can overcome difficulties and help others out. A good mouth can promote your success in career, love and communication, and make your life more smooth and pleasant!




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