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2009年山东英语高考试题 word试卷及答案

2020-01-10 15:30:01


英 语






例:How much is the shirt?

A. ξ19.15. B. ξ9.15 C. ξ9.18.


1.What do the speakers need touy?

A.A fridge. A dinner table. C.A few chairs.

2.Where are the spaker?

A.IN A RESTAURANT. B. In a hotel. C.In a school.

A.Cathy will be alll the party.

B.Catty is too busy to come.

C.Cathy is going to be invited

4.Why does the woman plan to go to

A.TO pay her hills in the bank.

B.To buy books in a bookstore.

C.To get some money from the bank.

5.What is woman trying to do?

A.Finish some writing.

B.Print an article.

C.Find a newspaper




6. What is the man doing?

A.Changing seat on the plane.

B.Asking for a window seat.

C.Trying to find his seat.

7.What is the woman’s seat number?

A.6A B.7A C.8A


8.Wheat the woman take the green T-shirt?

A.It’s too small B.It’s too dark. C.It’s too expeansice.

9.What does the woman buy trpend?

A.A yellow? B.A pink T-kint C. A pink T-shirt


10.How long has man heen in londom?

A.One year. B.A few years. C.A young months

11.Why did the woman leave her homelown?

A.a cty lifc.

B.To open a restaurant

C.To find a job

12.Where did the woman come from?



13.What is a daypack?

A.A box.B.C.A lock.

14.What surprisecs the girl at school.

A.A lot of discussions in clas

B.Teachers giving little homework

C.Few students asking quesnons in class

15.At what time of the school term es the converaticn incl probald take phone?

A.At the end of it.

B.In the middle.

C.At the begirrang of it.

16.What do we know about the girl

A.She is new to the school.

B.She wrntes for the school newspaper.

C.She seldom asks quesitms in class.


17.What does Mr. Hear, Stone do?

A.A bank clerk.B.berC.A writet.

18.What does Henry like doing at

A.Watching people

B.Telling stories.

C.Reading magazines.

19.What did Henry learn from the newspaper that day?

A.A valuable suitcase was thissing

B.A man stole money from a bank.

C.A woman ran away from home.

20.Why was the woman at the airport?

A.She was traveling on businese.

B.She was seeing the man off.

C.She was leaving for Greece.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 语法和词语知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)


例:Mr Smnh owns collertinn of roins than anyone else I have ever mel.

A.tareerB.a lareC.the largerD.gnarge


21.¬¬— John and I wall celebrm onr foctietl wodling annershry next month.

— Oh. !

A.there upB.well thenC.gohemlD.congratulation

22.We are nited to a party next Frdny.

A.hetdB.littleC.beng hcldD.halding

23.I felt so all yetecday that this mering I coul facet day like


24.Wherer I met her, farly often, shy me with a swecl smile.


25.The of eniverstips rising stcadily smee

A.B.airC.has beenD.have been

26. — Be have b all

Oh has, rnouch and to spend


27.Su subben that the eten had no tinnr to esape.

A.did the B.the attack did

C.was the attulD.the attack was

28.The little girl whe get lest drirded to reman she was and wnit for her mother.


29. — He say. That my nex car moose.

— Don’t you think otost sup grapes


30. — Poor seve! I sould lemlly tccgni him just new!

— He has changed much.

A.Never min,jB.No unfilem

C.Not us allD.Me nether

31.Amy joined a painting group but didn’t seem to , so she left.

A.shB.go upC.fil inD.come over

32. —Shall have our picnic tomorrow?

— it doesn’t min.


33.It saves time in the kitchen his wnines use a lot easy mach


34.I was out of torn are me time so I know exactly how it

A.was happensB.happenedC.happensD.has happened

35.Mary and I see each other ,but not as often we ased to

A.sooner or laterB. once in a whileC.in the endD.more or less



Even though it was only October,my studcnts were already whispenring about Christmas plaos.With each passing day everyone becanic more 36 wantting for the finnl school ball pon its 37 everyone would run for their coate and go home,everyone except Dnvid.

David was small boy in ragged clothes.I had often 38 what kind of home life David had and whenkind mother could send her son to school dressed so 39 for the cold winner months.whould coat,boots,boots,or gloves.But something made Davirl 40 .I can still remember he was ways 41 a smile and willing to ,akwats 42 after school to straighten chairs and mop the floor.We never tall .He 43 just smile and ask what clse he could do then thank me for letting him stny and slowly 44 home.

Weeks passed and the 45 over the coming Cltristmas grew tuto restlcssness,lattil the has day of 46 befone the holiday break.I smiled in 47 as the last of them hurried out the choor.Turning around I saw David 48 standing by my desk.

“I have something for you,”he said and 49 from behind his lack small has.

a to me,he sad anxinasly,“Open it.”I took the

it.I lifted the bdand to my 51 saw nothing.I look at snnling, the box and said,“The box is nice.David.but it’s 52 ”

“Oh no it isn’t.”said David.“It’s full of love.My mun lold me before she third that was something you couldn’t see or touch unless you know it’s there.”

Tears filled my eyes 53 I looked at the prond dirty face that I had 54 to After that Christmas.David and I became good friends and I never forgot the meming 55 the little emply box set on my desk.

36.A.anxious B.courngcous C.serious D.eautious




40.A.popularB.upsetC. usal D.funny



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