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Protect the environment_保护环境英语作文200字

2020-01-10 11:15:01

Environmental protection is imminent.Have you ever heard of the greenhouse effect? If not, you always know that sea level is rising. Yes, sea level rise is due to the greenhouse effect.

What caused the greenhouse effect?Mostly because of carbon dioxide.The respiration and photosynthesis of plants maintain the balance of carbon and oxygen in the biosphere, but with the improvement of the quality of human life, the biosphere also has more carbon dioxide.Plant photosynthesis absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, but their ability is limited because the lighting time is not necessarily long.If there is not enough light, oxygen and carbon dioxide may not reach a balance, so the increase of carbon dioxide will cause global warming, melting glaciers, sea level rise, abnormal climate, abnormal heat in summer and abnormal cold in winter.It will also lead to acid rain and damage to the environment.

So, have you ever thought about that kind of life?If you don't want to, do something that we can do to protect the environment, such as planting trees and air-conditioning strips in proper energy-saving files, practicing " CD Action", taking less private cars, taking more buses or walking, and not buying a large number of packaged products.

It is everyone's responsibility to protect the environment. The environment is good and the heart is tied to it.




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