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A letter to Chen Li_给程立的一封信作文200字

2020-01-12 01:30:01

Dear Chen Li,

I`m so glad to hear from you.You asked me about the difficulties you may meet with when you get here in UK.

UK has a different environment than China,so you will have some difficulties studying abroad in UK.

First of all,you may encounter lauguage barriers in local area.In older to avoid this problem,you are ought to polish up your spoken English so that easy to communicate with them.

Secondly,the British have their own unique eating habits and you have to adapt to their eating habits.What`s more,you will be homesick and feel lonely when you go abroad in UK.You can talk to me or your Chinese friends and make satellite phone calls to your family.

All in all,there are my suggestions about studying abroad in UK.I hope you can learn more useful things in UK.If you have any problems need to solve,I will try my best to help you to solve these problems.

Best Wishes,


Li Jin




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