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Love me again_再爱我一次英语作文250字

2020-01-12 04:30:01

I watched a movie called mother love me again. It's a depressing film about too much love from mom and dad. At the beginning of the film, we can see a happy family, father reading the newspaper, mother cooking, two little girls playing games. But the strange thing was that the parents of the family were missing a few fingers. At that moment, an ice-cream truck arrived with wonderful music. The elder sister wanted to eat ice cream, she ran to her mother in front of the act, the mother smiled cut off a finger, the girl took a finger exchange ice cream. The girl's sister wanted ice cream too, and mom cut off another finger. The two girls were happily eating ice cream. Suddenly a lot of kids were lined up, each with a finger in his hand.

The film ends here, with an exaggerated form of parental doting and children's disregard for love. Everyone has only ten fingers. What will the children exchange for ice cream when their parents lose ten fingers? Are they toes? So what do children exchange for ice cream when their parents lose their toes? Is life next? After losing everything, what should parents use to love us again? We take more than we can get, and we enjoy everything with ease, but we ignore our parents' pain. I think that's what this movie is about.




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