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A Letter to Invite Somebody Join Us_邀请某人加入我们的信英语作文100字

2020-01-12 05:00:02

Dear everyone,

Do you want to help others?Please join us.

Next Sunday we are going to be volunteers in a trian station for tralers.We will offer the follow service.

First,if the train station is dirty,you can clean it and put the rubbish into a box.

Second,if you see a man is tired with a lot of luggages,you can try to get some luggages.

Third,some people don't know how to use a machine.And you can tell them about how to use the ticket vending machine.

Dont't think it's meaningless to help others.You help the society now and the society will help you in the future.

If you're interested in the activity,come and enjoy it!

English Club

Li Hua




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