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A Happy Family_快乐的一家英语作文150字

2020-01-16 15:15:01

I have a happy family, although we are not rich, but I have a very happy life.

My father is a teacher and goes out to work very early every day. Sometimes during the holidays, he also goes to school to collect materials and so on. He is very hard, but I know, it's all for our life. My mother also gets up early and returns late every day. Although her back aches, she has to finish the housework, which makes me very distressed. Grandpa and grandma are also very good to us. They will teach us how to be human beings. These will always be remembered in my heart.

I am going to high school, and the curriculum will become busy, but I will not forget to help my parents work, and I will often tell myself that we must work hard to repay our parents.

I love my family very much. It brings me a lot of joy and warmth.




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