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Can mobile phones enter campus?_手机能进入校园吗英语作文200字

2020-01-17 20:00:01

Dear Peter,

Hi,Peter! I am your student,Li Hua.Today a debate on whether the senior school students bring mobile phones to school was held in our class,and it was very exciting.

Different students hold different opinions.First of all,about tow thirds of students think we can bring mobile phones,because we can in search of imformation for our homework or study.

What's more,the news,which is about our country on the mobile phones,is very useful for our Chinese-writen.However,about one third of students are against it,not only because the mobile phones may waste our time and we will fall in love with phone games and be carzy about them,but also because it may be harmful to our health.

As far as I am concerned,we can bring mobile phones.As the old saying goes:"Every coin has two sides."If we make good use of the mobile phones,it must be good for our life.What do you think of?I am looking forward to your early reply.

Best wishes.


Li Hua




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