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You Yancheng Spring Park_游淹城春秋乐园英语作文200字

2020-01-18 10:15:01

In the Sunday, me and my family to Yancheng Spring Park to play. To the Spring and Autumn Park, I saw a beautiful rockery seat, there is water flowing out of the mountains. To the Confucian Scholars 100 homes, we can see a statue of Confucius and his students study the statue. We then walked to see a 4D show homes, which we see the "Legend of Yancheng City," three-dimensional movies.

Entertainment subject area in spring and there merry, canyon rafting, fly so high and other titles. We play a canyon drift, where the hardships, hair-raising, the water will cool from time to time in our body. Then, my father and I play a high-altitude flight, while it increased side spin, turn my head spin. About, and I even cardinal points are not quite sure of.

Me and my family came to the water recreation area, there are water plum pile, water single-plank bridge, water chains ... chains ... I play in the water, I stood two chains, and felt a little flustered, afraid to move forward walk, then father, mother's encouragement, I adjusted the tempo, getting faster and faster, soon went to the shore.

Today, we are having a great time, Yancheng Spring Park is truly our paradise!



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