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Sown Click-A Penguins Tale_企鹅的故事英语观后感600字

2020-01-26 19:30:02

Sown Click-A Penguins Tale_企鹅的故事英语观后感600字

Today, I saw a documentary which is called ”Snow Chick-A penguins Tale” . It shows us the growth of a penguin and many things about them. Everyone know penguins are cute and they live in Antarctica. However do you know how the penguins feed their babies and who hatch the eggs? You will learn many things about penguins after you watched this documentary.

At the beginning, a flock of male emperor penguins have each nurtured a single precious egg. Then, they welcome their little chicks into the world one by one. Every chick calls in its father’s pouch. However, not all eggs with hatch at that time and one father is still waiting. Finally, the youngest member of the colony is born. I thought the eggs are hatched by female penguins before I saw this documentary. In fact, they are hatched by male penguins. Male penguins are responsible for hatching after female penguins lay eggs. Then female penguins will go to the sea and catch fish. They must eat many foods because they didn’t eat for almost one month during pregnancy. They come back to the colony and feed their babies. It is the turn of female penguins to look after the chicks and male penguins to catch fish. They take turns to take care of their children until their children grew up.

Snow chick is the smallest chick in the colony. It is interesting that some penguins want to steal the snow chick because they have no child. Its father protected the snow chick from stealing. However, there were too many penguins surround the snow chick and its father can’t save it. Luckily, the snow chick broke out and its father put it in the pouch. I did not know that penguins will steal child from other penguins. It is very funny when the penguins wanted to steal chicks.

Although it is very funny, some parts are touching. There is a scene that snow chick still wanted to stay in the pouch of its father. The pouch was too small to stay because it became bigger than before. And other chicks began to hold together for warmth. Its father persuaded it to find its place in the gang. At first, snow chick didn’t know how to join the gang and all the chicks’ face turned in except snow chick. Finally it joined the gang and this is a huge milestone in its development. Then its father left it in the colony when it joined the gang. The father waddle away and snow chick wanted to follow its father but it must stay in the colony. It is important for it to become more independent. Because parents feed the chicks frequently, they grew up very fast. Many penguins left their children in the colony and they won’t come back liked before. When snow chick ate the double meals from its parents, it did not know it was the last meal from its parents. All the chicks have been abandoned, they must become independent without their parents and stand on their feet now.

At the end of this documentary, snow chick grew up and it led the penguin gang into the vast Antarctic Ocean. As the narrator said,” it might have been the smallest, but he was strong enough to survive against the odds.”




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