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Special movie_特殊的电影作文200字

2020-01-27 03:45:01

Movies are like moon and starts,the more you watch,the more you will understand their beauty. I also like a movie ,name is Shu Laibao,it is a comedy,this movie describes three squirrels come to the David's home by accident,but to our surprise,they can speak english.at first,David was so afraid and he thinks it unbelievable,also include his friends,but finaly,he find that they can sing,so he was so. happy,then,they become more and more famous,although something unhappy were happened between them,in the end,they were all sloved,because they are family.I like it because i understand o lot of knowledge.

When i watch it ,i feel so relaxed,and i understand what famliy are important in our life!I like it so much,i think you should watch it too because it can bring something useful for you,when you feel so sad,you can watch it. If you know some wonderful movies,please share with me.




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