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2020-05-07 09:06:01



发布时间:03 2809:31教育达人,优质原创作者



[A] Study the following cartoon carefully and write an essay in no less than 150 words.

[B] Your essay must be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. 15 points

[C] Your essay should meet the requirements below:

1. Write out the messages conveyed by the cartoon.

2. Give your comments.

注:图片上的文字是: 本母鸡承诺:





考生在审题时,从漫画和旁边的打油诗可以看出该文章的关键词为虚假承诺(false promise或empty promise)。提纲有两点要求:写出漫画所要表达的信息;进行评论。由此可见,这是一篇描写加议论的文章。文章第一段可以从描写漫画入手。漫画题材的写作,应着重抓住漫画本身所传达的信息,即漫画的寓意,对漫画本身不用拘泥于细节。考生可以在段尾点明该漫画所要表达的信息:虚假承诺。由于提纲的第二点要求比较泛,因此,考生可以根据各自的思路展开。第二段可以针对主题进一步讨论,既可以列举社会上众多的虚假承诺的不良现象,也可以着重讨论虚假承诺的危害,亦或追寻虚假承诺的根源。在第三段中考生可提出自己的观点,即,解决该问题的方法。


Whoever sees this cartoon can’t help laughing. How funny it is A hen is holding a notice promising that her eggs would be round and surely would contain everything a normal egg contains. But at second thought, it is anything but funny because the picture reveals a prevalent phenomenon in our society: Many of these promises are meaningless since the promise provided is nothing but the normal responsibility of the promise maker.

Odd and funny as they sound,such false promises are so prevalent that we cannot afford to ignore them. Manufacturing units guarantee to turn out products of good quality; commercial enterprises swear to provide genuine commodities and enthusiastic services; administration departments assure to perform their tasks effectively and fairly without taking any bribery. As a matter of fact,these cannot be called promises at all since they are no more than their normal duties and obligations. It seems that we should be grateful to them because they just do what they are supposed to do.

I dare say these empty promises are causing great damage to our society both materially and morally. But the hen and her likes should know that by dishonest words no one could survive the intense competition under market economy system. People engaged in providing all kinds of services should honestly inform their customers of the service that they can enjoy because mutual trust is the foundation of business. They should remember the old saying,"Honesty is the best policy."On the other hand, necessary laws and regulations should be adopted and enforced to ensure a trust worthy economic and social environment. Only in this way, can both parties, service providers and those served, enjoy a healthy atmosphere of mutual trust.



从结构上看,该范文对提纲做出适当调整,分为三段而不是两段。第一段采用了先总后分再总的写作方法,段首先用Whoever sees this cartoon cant help laughing一句话对图画做出总体评价,进而描写图画,在段末指出:这幅画实际并不可笑,而是讽刺了社会上非常普遍的虚假承诺现象。这句话也是文章的中心所在。第二段段首承接上段,指出这种现象不容忽视,进而使用列举的方法举了三个例子,说明其普遍性并与第一段呼应,指出这些现象都是在承诺本职所在的工作。第三段段首为主体句,段落中从两个方面提出改变这种现象的措施,段尾进行总结,与段首形成呼应。

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