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2020-05-11 11:42:01

2018 全国卷 1 试题回顾 假定你是李华,你的新西兰朋友 Terry 将去中国朋友家做客,发 邮件向你询问有关习俗。请你回复邮件,内容包括: 1.到达时间; 2.合适的礼物; 3.餐桌礼仪。 注意: 1.词数 100 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 解析这篇文章看似是告知信,但其实可以使用很多建议信的 套路来写。第二段要使用较高级的建议句型;第三段要写出建议信的 常见套话。 范文 Dear Terry, How are you doing? In your last letter, you asked me about being a guest to a Chinese friend’s home. Now,I am writing to inform you of some relevant details. To begin with, according to our tradition, you are supposed to arrive early, so that you can help the family prepare the dinner, which is not only meaningful but also interesting. Besides, you’d better bring some gifts, such as a book or a Chinese knot. What’s more, when you are enjoying the meal, you need to avoid making noises while chewing food. Hopefully, these suggestions would be helpful for you. I have the confidence that you will have a great time. I am looking forward to your good news. Best wishes! Y ours, Li Hua 2018 全国卷 2 试题回顾 你受学生会委托为校宣传栏“英语天地”写一则通知,请大家观 看一部英文短片 Growing Together, 内容包括: 1. 短片内容:学校的发展; 2. 放映时间、地点; 3. 欢迎对短片提出意见。 注意: 1. 词数 100 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 解析事实上, “通知”除了不需要书信作文的首段以外,其 余写法均与邀请信十分相似,都是告诉对方活动内容,邀请对方前来 参加。 范文 Boys and girls, May I have your attention, please? Recently, an outstanding movie will be shown in our campus. Welcome to join us end enjoy it! Here are some relevant details about it. To begin with, the name of the movie is Growing together, which is about the development of our beloved school; as a result, it will be not only meaningful but also interesting. Besides, it will be in the library from 2:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon on June 9th .What’ s more, everyone of you will be welcome to take part in it, enjoying the movie, having a heated discussion afterwards and giving your own comments. Hopefully, you would make it to our activity. I have the confidence that you will have a great time. The Student Union 2018 全国卷 试题回顾 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友 Peter 来信询问你校学生体育运动 情况。请给他回信,内容包括: 1. 学校的体育场馆; 2. 主要的运动项目; 3. 你喜欢的项目。 注意: 1.词数 100 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 解析典型的告知信,直接套用 2018 版告知信经典套路即可 挥笔立就。造句的时候一定记得写你熟悉的运动,而且,一定要写出 这些运动有哪些好处,对你有哪些帮助,你们懂的! 此外,大家一定要学会巧妙避免生词。如果“体育馆”不会写, 直接写“操场”就行了! 范文 Dear Peter, How are you doing? In your last letter, you asked me about the physical education in our school. So, I am writing to inform you of some relevant details. To begin with, needless to say, we have a very large playground; as a result, we can have a great time when doing sports. Besides, we have a lot of sports, such as football, basketball and swimming, which can cultiv

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  1. 2021-12-09 21:48高、先森[青海省网友]IP:1960293166
  2. 2020-11-16 09:56伊檬[北京市网友]IP:3416052084


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