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2020-05-16 11:36:01

新东方中考网小编会在2019天津中考结束后,第一时间将2019天津中考作文题目更新在本页面。敬请关注!如需查看全国其它省市2019中考真题解析,请点击以及。 假如你是晨光中学的学生李华,平时坚持用英语写日记.请根据以下要点,描述你星期三放学乘地铁回家路上看到的事情,并表达自己的想法. l一个男孩不舒服,开始呕吐,一位穿着漂亮的女士帮着擦拭地面,男孩表达感谢. 2地铁到站,有人挤向座位,有人下不去车,有人因此争吵. 3你认为…. 参考词汇: 开始呕吐 begin to vomit 挤向座位 push towards the seat 争吵 have a quarrel 1词数:80~100个. 2日记格式和开头已给出,不计入总词数 3要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥 Wednesday When I took the underground back home from school,I noticed . ---- ---- ---- 满分作文: Wednesday When I took the underground back home from school, I noticed two things around me. The first thing I met is about a boyThe boy didnt feel well.He began to vomit.A beautiful girl saw the boy.She helped him clean the floor.Then the boy thanked her for helping.The second thing is about the underground. When the underground got to the station, a lot of people pushed towards the seat. So some people couldnt get off the underground.Some had a quarreel because of this. In my opinion,The girl did a good thing and we appreciated her action in this society.As for the underground.It shows your quality there.If you wait in a line,others will get off the underground easily.If all of us can do in this way,our world will be more beautiful. 也欢迎广大师生关注新东方中考网官方微信:XDF初中学习微信号:xdfzkxx,方便届时查看。预祝各位天津考生2019中考顺利! 如需查分请点击》》 如需查看2019年中考分数线请点击》》



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