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2020-05-17 12:30:01

To help others is a virtueWhen we help others,others will feel warm.When the others to help us,our hearts will feelcomfort.I have helped my deskmate classmates.It was the last Friday."叮呤 methotrexate",the bell rang,this class is math,because the textbook this lesson is finished,so the math teacher asked us to study.I was doing,I sit at the same table Yang Xin asked me:"how this do?" I ignored her,then I said coldly:"youll have to ask someone else." Then,I do,but I think again:Uncle Lei Feng is not often remind us to do a good thing?So,I went to say:"I teach you."Suddenly,I saw her eyes emitted light.I took thejob of this,thinking for a while,said:"this problem should do." She listened carefully,Italked,she will,she moved to say "thank you" soon made up.Perhaps,in your opinion,not worth mentioning for help,but often give timely assistance warmth.Helping others is our human virtues,to each one of us can take this virtue send a Everbright,let every corner of our love all over the world.From this time to help students things,I really appreciate uncle Lei Feng said,never feel happy.帮人是一种美德当我们帮助人时,别人心里会感到温暖.当别人帮助我们时,我们心里也会感到安慰.我曾经就帮助过我的同桌的同学.那是上一个星期五的事.“叮呤呤”,上课铃响了,这节是数学课,因为课本的这一课讲完了,所以数学老师就叫我们做学习辅导.我正做着,我的同桌杨欣问我:“这道题怎么做?”开始我没搭理她,后来我冷冰冰地说:“你去问别人吧.”然后,我就接着做,可我又想:雷锋叔叔不是经常提醒我们要多做好事吗?于是,我颤颤地说:“我教你.“顿时,我看见她的眼睛里发出了亮光.我接过作业本,思考了一会,说:“这道题应该这样做.”她认真地听着,我讲着讲着,她就会了,她感动地说了声“谢谢”就低下头又做了起来.也许,在你看来微不足道的帮助,而往往会给对方雪中送炭的温暖.帮助别人是我们人类的美德,愿我们每一个人都能把这美德发场光大,让我们的爱心洒遍世界的每一个角落.从这一次帮助同学的事情中,我真正体会到雷锋叔叔的话,感到从没有过的开心.



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