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2020-05-23 10:06:01



Hang zhou

Hello ,my friends ! I am going to travel to Hangzhou in August ! My mood is very excited. Because I am going to see the old house of Lu Xun. I am going to ecplore the secrst of history. Heart with a heart of curiosity will always be a good harvest. Can made me worry is that the recent weather is not good. I am afraid that the typhoon is coming. It is raining and natural disasters that make me unhappy when traveling. Anyway, i finished up the knowledge must be good to travel. To enrich myself !


The Gym In My School

Recently, it has been said that the new building in my school will be finished soon and all the students can use it. It is such exciting news, because we have been looking forward to taking exercise in the gym for such a long time. The new building is used as the gym and there are all kinds of equipments in it. There are badminton court, ping pong court and basketball court. I love the gym so much. I have always dream to take exercise in such a good gym. Playing sports indoor makes me feel not bad hot and as a girl, I don’t have to turn black. From now on, I will keep taking exercise everyday.


Try to Be Independent

Since I go to middle school, I stay away from home and live in school from Monday to Friday. The first time for me to leave home made me felt so lonely. I did not have friends here and no one to count on. But I told myself that I needed to try to be independent. So I solved all the problems by myself, I washed my own clothes and cleaned the bed, which were done by my mother before. I found that I could take care of myself without my parents’ help. What’s more, I made good friends here, we had the same interest and we helped each other in study. A year passed, I learned a lot and became independent.


The Dragon Boat Festival

Dragon Boat Festival is the traditional day in China, it is on the th day of the th lunar month. The common activity for different places are dragon boat competition and eating zongzi. In my hometown, there will be the dragon boat competition every year. A lot of teams join this activity and there are full of audiences stand on the river side, wathing and yelling for the teams. It is one fo the biggest matches in my hometown. What’ more, making zongzi is also the tradition. My mother makes the zongzi at this time every year, she told me that she learned it from my grandma and she would teach me in the future.




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