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英语作文五篇每篇五十字左右 记录暑假期间有趣的经历 求各位好心人帮忙

2020-05-23 13:48:01

1Now we are begin our summer holiday.Every one has his favorite place to go.Many of us have to attend some summer courses.For me I want to travel.I like to go to Qingdao、Beijing、Yunnan、Hangzhou and so on.which place should I go?I asked my parents for some advice.They suggest me I should go to Qingdao,which is a coastal city.And it is not so hot there.If you have interest,maybe we can go there together.2My summer vacation plan I am going back to my hometown this summer.I will take a good rest when I get home after a years hard work.I will eat all the nice foods I have been missing for so many years.I will find a good badminton coach to help me improve my skills.And I will try to see all my childhood friends and pay a visit to my high school teacher,who has played an important role in my life.In August,I will have this Yangzi river cruise with my parents.Right now,I keep thinking all the fun things that I would like to do in summer:chatting on line,dancing,going to the beach,clothes shopping,reading one or two nice books,seeing some nice movies,more and more.Summer vacation is the best time of the year.I can plan lots of fun things and I can carry them out.It is like I can do whatever I want.Oh,I just cant wait for it!3Housework?Honestly speaking I never do houseworks.My mum does all of them.I hate doing houseworks because it is boring and tiring,and Learning English is boring and tiring enough for me.Whenever my mum ask me to wash dishes for her I shout to her "No Way!Study is already impossibly hard for me and more housework can only drive me closer to madness." Thats all I know about housework.4Summer vacation is coming,so now I feel very happy.Not only I can play the computer games all the time,but also I can sleep as long as I can.I also like relaxing myself by watching Tv,so that I can learn more knowledges about the Olympic Games.And in this way,Im sure that my summer vacation will be very colorful.5In this vacations Igo to travel in some famous places and i go to visit my grandparents in the village.i learn something difenrent.like example:Iknow people work in the village it is so hard and so tired,they are grow the vegetable,rice and something else it is very dificult.



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