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2020-06-08 10:15:02

That the family is sitting , sunlight in the afternoon is streaming into makes two cheek of her especially rosy on the round face arriving at her,; She is supporting cheek with hand , the slow swim of bright eye of crystal is burning , full grown lower jaw mounts the expression curling up when this is that she dopes out the problem coming to resolve a mathematics more ingenious method everytime , what known well that , been fond of by mathematics teacher slightly in big eye sockets of Zhang. The rustle makes a sound whenever I make school assignment time , nib , is just like birdie in singing to me , seems to be encouraging me: "You need to be not afraid of difficulty , are bold in scaling heights ". She starts having stood up , answering so accurate , so natural , so fluent, as if the morning is prepared. The field is reciting her high and low , the tone is graceful , a very plausible way of talking , all the attendance are looking moved. His this mischievous ghost , book have read very quickly , have been stricken by splitting the clap clap, look like being to stir fry a peanut kernel. That graceful graceful use putonghua reads text , sound aloud crispy and fresh , is pleasant to hear very much, even sunlight listen to such that being fascinated, drill has entered a classroom secretly from window , has fallen to her book, be unwilling to leave for a long , long time. I am reading a book avariciously, like that one hunger lamb bursts in the light green grassplot of fragrant grass. In her voluminous drilling books, if the fish son has entered ocean, efflux having forgot time. He forces a book to buck up energy , turns open, begin to feel the capable character needs to fly in above, using personal influence , looking as if right away; Feel like in the afterwards however hazy slice, crawl arbitrarily like a nest of ant on paper. He buries self in writing school assignment up coming , in the room very quiet, the god of the earth hears fountain pen sound mounting the rustle writing in paper. Schoolmates sit within the classroom , listen to a teacher very attentively give a lecture, such as several tens flower potting being bearing the industrious gardener in very quiet field. The sound of reading aloud flies out from each classrooms , chorus , the musical note are skyful like moving childs voice. Good sentence: The sky be overcast with Hong Yun , full Haijinbo, the red day spurts out such as one boiling stove molten steel, golden light is dazzling. The sun resembles the bride who just goes out in the morning,come showing half face bashfully. The sun has set , its out of duty glare has jetted out from treetop, dye white cloud with redness of the skin , dye the green hill with redness of the skin. 0



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