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2020-07-03 15:18:01

There Should Be “No Cheating” Nowadays, with the development of education, school learning becomes more and more important. As a result, students will take a lot of exams to test their ability. So, there exists a phenomenon that some students cheat in the exam. In my opinion, I think cheating is wrong. Even though cheating is a common behavior, I can’t accept it. First of all, I think honesty is our traditional virtue, all of us should be honest person, but cheating is just the opposite side. Second, taking exams aim at testing what we have learned in short period so that we can find our omissions from all kinds of tests. If you cheat, you don’t know what you really have learned among the period. Last but not least, many students cheated when they couldn ’t deal with the exam, so there were two results. For the good one, they could get a high mark as well as vanity. But the bad one was that they were caught by teachers. Once being caught, they would be punished and their Students ’ Archives would record it. It’s hard for them to find a good job when the companies saw their dishonesty record. So you should be responsible for your future.

With the three opinions above, I can safely arrive at the conclusion . Maybe cheating can get the vanity in a short time, I

still insist on my opinion : cheating is a wrong behavior. There should be no cheating ! Be responsible for yourself ! Be a honest person !




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