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2018最新雅思图表小作文满分范文 线图之网民比重

2020-07-03 17:00:02

2018年的IELTSer,来收干货啦!关于雅思写作,网上流传着各色滥竽充数的范文,小编私以为,这些粗糙的范文的存在,是中国烤鸭雅思写作平均分低下的众多原因之一。是故小编浪迹网络搜集了前考官simon的雅思a类小作文共计41篇,全部采用他惯常的4段式套路,字数一般不过200词,绝对是雅思写作范文里的一股清流,非常养眼。请看本文针对常规题型的雅思小作文线图范文,话题是10年间美加墨三国网民所占人口比例的变化及对比,全文共151词,9分级。 The graph below shows Internet users as percentage of population between 1999 and 2009 in three different countries. 该线图展示1999到2009年的10年间美加墨三国网民所占人口比例的变化趋势。请作答。 雅思图表小作文线图9分范文: The line graph compares the percentage of people in three countries who used the Internet between 1999 and 2009. It is clear that the proportion of the population who used the Internet increased in each country over the period shown. Overall, a much larger percentage of Canadians and Americans had access to the Internet in comparison with Mexicans, and Canada experienced the fastest growth in Internet usage. In 1999, the proportion of people using the Internet in the USA was about 20%. The figures for Canada and Mexico were lower, at about 10% and 5% respectively. In 2005, Internet usage in both the USA and Canada rose to around 70% of the population, while the figure for Mexico reached just over 25%. By 2009, the percentage of Internet users was highest in Canada. Almost 100% of Canadians used the Internet, compared to about 80% of Americans and only 40% of Mexicans.151 附雅思小作文考官范文基本套路 段一:话题重述 段二:概括话题数据的主要特征或规律 段三:详述特征规律一 段四:详述特征规律二 注意:simon考官主张雅思小作文无须总结!大家可留心这一点。当然小作文是否需要写总结段,无定论。 以上就是小编为大家带来的《2018最新雅思Task1写作满分范文 线图之网民比重》的全部内容。想让自己的雅思小作文同样清流养眼,得到阅卷考官的亲睐,除了自身的持续努力之外,请持续关注小站雅思频道的满分范文。祝2018年与雅思一战即分道扬镳。



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