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2020-07-03 17:36:01

雅思小作文结尾段万能表达 智课教育出国考试 雅思小作文结尾段如何表达才能与首段收尾呼应以达到更好的收尾 效果呢?本文就为大家介绍雅思小作文结尾段万能表达,希望对考生有 所帮助。 To sum up/Overall,年份时间、万能句型+ 对象 最大的比例 + 范围,whereas/while + 对象最小的比例。 1.Bar chart: Eg1. To sum up,in 1950, it is significant clearly that foot had the highest percentage in the four modes of transport, whereas cars had the lowest percentage. In 1970, bus was the most popular mode of transport, but foot became the least popular. However, in 1990, while automobiles have become the most popular means of transportation, bike was the least popular. Eg2.To sum up,it is significant clearly that local fixed line calls were still the most popular in 2002, although the gap between the three categories had narrowed considerably over the second half of the period . Eg3: Overall,it is significant clearly that France was the most popular country for UK residents in 1999.Spain had the second largest number of UK visitors in the five countries. Turkey was the least popular country among the five countries. 2. Pie graph: Eg1: 每个饼图都是同样的类别。 结尾如:Overall, it is significant clearly that teachers’ salaries constituted the largest cost to the school during the period from 1981 to 2001, while spending increased dramatically for equipment and insurance by2001, there were corresponding drops in expenditure on things such as books and on other workers’ salaries. EG2: 四个饼图中:每2个饼图为一类或一个国家。 Overall, it is clear that by 2000 these two countries relied on different principal fuel sources: Australia relied on coal and France on nuclear power. EG3: Overall, it is significant clearly that from 1962 to 1982, the use of the phone and computers both increased significantly. The use of phone increased from 35% to 60%. Similarly, the use of computers doubled to 30%. On the contrary, during this same period, the use of letter writing decreased dramatically. 3.Table: Eg1: Overall, it is significant clearly that among the three destinations, Western Europe had the highest number and North America had the lowest number during the period from 1994 to 1998. Eg2: Overall, it is significant clearly that A more dramatic rise is predicted between 2030 and 2040 in Japan, by which time it is thought that the proportion of elderly people will be similar in the three countries. 4. Diagram: Eg1. Overall, it is significant clearly that the diagrams show that the cocoon stage of the silkworm can be used to produce silk cloth through a very simple process. Eg2: In summary, the process diagram clearly shows how weather data is collected, analysed, prepared for presentation, and finally broadcast to the public.



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