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2020-07-07 08:27:01

难忘的一节课英语作文范文 英语作 难忘的一节 英语作 难忘的一节英语作范 An Unfrgettable Lessn H an e frget the lessn r Zhang gave us last nth? r Zhang as the nl teaher h red ver aged in ur shlHe shuld have retired fr teahing last earBut he didn’t ant t leave his platfr,his all students,and sta till last nthn the rning f April 22,ednesda,he std at the gate f the lassr as usualThe bell rang and r Zhang appeared n the platfruh t ur surprise,he as earing the at he re fr the first lass a fe ears ag ldqu;Bs and girls,I a srr this is the last lessn I give u rdqu;He ispered,tears ae t his eesHearing suh rds,all f us ere shed ldqu;h? r Zhangh did u sa that? rdqu;It turned ut that r Zhang had suffered lung anerHe ne abut that lng ag but he didn’t tell us beause he didn’t ant us t rr abut hiAnd n the disease had gt rse and he had t reeive treatente didn’t and uldn’t believe! In the lass,r Zhang enurged us t stud diligentl and be gd perns in the future This as unfrgettable lessnI’ll eep it in ind frever



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