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求一篇“关爱他人”的英语作文 200字左右

2020-07-07 13:33:01

During the SARS period in this spring,the year of 2003,one of my classmates,Li ming,was struck down by the virus and was immediately sent to hospital.The news spread quickly on campus.At first,we were terrified and wondered if we were infected too.However,through our governments publicity on mass media,we gradually conquered the fear and set out to try out best to help her.Some teachers provided darly necessities while some students recorded the English class contents for him so that Li ming could not be left behind.With our care and concern,Li ming recovered quickly.Such an incident teaches us a good moral.Our society is full of love,warm and peaceful,in which people from man to woman,from individual to individual lend others a hand.Just like a famous song goes,"the world will turn it to heaven only if everyone contributes a little." and I do believe that its my great honor to live in this love filled paradise!



珍惜父母的爱作文 桂林英语作文 一年级作文春天30字 八月桂花香作文 那目光让我感动作文 我的进步作文 中秋节由来英语作文 勇气作文记叙文 三年级作文中秋节200 描写东湖公园的作文 什么让我乐在其中作文 过春节的英语作文 高分作文800字 美丽的九寨沟作文 我也可以作文600字 在我们这个年龄作文600 2018全国卷语文作文 小时候学走路的作文 我终于读懂了你作文 写景色的作文200字 过程之美作文600字 秋天的作文900字 茉莉花作文 老师我想对您说作文500字 描写狗的英语作文 中考作文800字记叙文 我的同学初中作文 描写老师性格的作文 上海英语中考作文 创业还是就业英语作文