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2020-07-20 08:00:02

The importance of learning basic skills

We can see that in this picture, a teacher is teaching her pupils to deal with arithmetic questions, but some of them think that learning these mathematical skills is useless. They argue that by the time they are in the job market, these skills will be outdated. As to whether it is important to learn basic skills, people hold different views.

As far as I know, it is very important for one student to acquire basic skills. At first, mastering basic skills well can lay a solid foundation for learning advanced skills. Basic skills are a floor, not a ceiling. Students must learn them first so that they can move on to various advanced skills. What’s more, learning basic skills helps to improve confidence and enhance self esteem. Individuals with basic skills are likely to be more confident and active.

All in all, if we want to keep progressing, it is important to learn basic skills well. By mastering basic skills and learning new things, we will have a bright future!

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