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2020-07-20 09:09:01

保护传统文化英语作文三:Traditional Culture Won t Be Lost

篇三:how to protect chinese traditional culture怎样保护中国传统文化

tures have been introduced into our lives, catching our eyes so that we pay less attention to our own culture. For this situation, its high time that we take actions to protect our traditional culture.

First and foremost, we should to improve our basic knowledge about our traditional culture. There are many Chinese traditional culture that we just hear about but don’t know the details of them such as Chinese Kongfu. We can set up classes about Chinese traditional culture in school for students and hold exhibitions to spread them throughout the country.

Then, we should pay more attention to our traditional festival. It is more and more popular that our people, especially our young people, celebrate western festivals such as Christmas Day, but thinking our traditional festivals are boring sometimes. Traditional festivals are our precious heritage, so we should learn and to love them more.

Last but not the least ,it is worthwhile to arouse people s awareness that it is the time to protect the Chinese traditional culture.

We Chinese have a long history which makes our traditional culture splendid, and it is of great significance for us to spare no effort to protect the unique culture. So let’s take




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