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2020-07-30 09:24:01

Today, the weather is very strange. The morning sun, the sun very warm, but the noon meal came downstairs, a cold wind blew me shiver, wow! Cold ah! I looked up and scraps of paper flying in the air, the branches like shivering in the wind, the streets deserted the, winter really to come?



The sky with large snowflakes, cold weather comes, north wind was whistling.

Wintersweet, bamboo, pines are not afraid of winter, pythons, ants, and other animal hide all hedgehogs hibernate in caves.

Alice and Bob are the playground of smooth sneak with ice; Xiao Fang, Xiao Hua and Mao Mao in playing with the snow, playing in the snow battle and pile up a snowman, everyone in small groups, carefree to play with, extremely happy.





Last night, under a heavy snowfall. Early in the morning I open my eyes, from a warm blanket out. Wow cold ah! Innocence is cold, even my voice was trembling. I m out of the house, a white world that catches my eye. I immediately back to the house back bags, ready to go to school.

Crowded schools, students play in full swing on the crystal white snow, the girls are snowmen, boys in the snowball fight. Although the cold weather, but at the moment the atmosphere is very lively. Sitting in a classroom looking out the window fluttering triumphantly snow, in my mind I floated a Nongyan: misfortune. Under heavy snow are very good, it will bring next year s wheat harvest, gather up my mind on a round heat and joy.

At this moment, my heart is full of praise and admiration for the snow. I can not help but think of a poem once have read: Cher, to love you this, do not expect anything in return, only knew dedication. You quietly appeared, bringing the illusion of next year, quietly disappeared, leaving no trace of blame. It disappeared over the house, into the water and disappeared beneath the valley, cemented ice; so slowly into the clouds. Cher, although I can not stop you melt, but I will treasure in your heart. More will one day look forward to your presence.

Snow is a symbol of winter. Winter is because of snow, which has the people s favorite. On the way home from school I saw the earth after the snow everywhere covered with snow, into a crystal like fairy tale world. Ilex rows of trees are blooming honeysuckle, in the sunlight shining purplish light, the neighbor s courtyard, a dozen bouncing around sparrow, is the snow looking for food ......

I like the winter snow, like it s white and pure, more like it bring us joy and warmth.

昨天晚上,下了一场大雪。一大早我睁开双眼,从温暖的被窝里出来。 哇 好冷啊!天真是太冷了,连我的声音都在发抖。我走出家门,一片白色的世界映入我的眼帘。我立即回屋背上书包,准备上学去。

学校里热闹非凡,同学们在晶莹洁白的冰天雪地上玩得热火朝天,女生们都在堆雪人,男生们则在打雪仗。虽然天气寒冷,但此时此刻的气氛却很热闹。坐在教室里望着窗外飘飘扬扬的雪花,在我的脑海里浮起了一句农谚: 瑞雪兆丰年。 这场大雪下得真好,一定会明年的小麦带来



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