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2020-08-05 09:24:01

As we know, China is one of the four ancient civilizations in the world, and China has a very long history. We have to discuss Chinese characters when talk about Chinese history. From origin of Chinese Characters, which said many years ago, people can only speak without text communication, because the Cangjie inspired by birds and beasts, and then created Chinese characters. Now, I want to introduce the three parts of Chinese characters: the Oracle Bone Inscriptions, the changes in the shape of Chinese characters and Chinese character components.

First of all, the Oracle Bone Inscriptions are the oldest Chinese characters, which came from life. To be more specific, in primitive society, people created characters through the shape of plants and animals, and people use stone tools to cut on some bones like turtle shells and the bones of wild animal. For example, if you want to write ‘tiger ’, in Oracle, the lower half part of the shape is like tigers claws; if you want to write ‘sun ’, in Oracle, it is a point in the center of the ellipse, which like the sun; if you want to write ‘water ’, in Oracle, the shape of this word have some smooth lines like waters. In a word, almost all oracle bones are similar in shape to actual objects.

Secondly, the changes in the shape of Chinese characters are also important part. Now, in China, people always use the simplified Chinese. In addition to Hong Kong and Taiwan Province, they use traditional Chinese. Many years age, the Chinese characters had been changed many times. According to the historical time, the types of Chinese characters can be mainly divided into eight: Oracle, Dazhuan, Xiaozhuan, Lishu, Kaishu, Caoshu, traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese. If you can search the shapes of these characters on the Internet, you can find that their change is that the writing difficulty becomes complex. These kinds of changes are mainly to make people more convenient to write. However, some Chinese Calligraphers still write with some ancient writing, because although the present writing is easy to write, it lacks the beauty compared with the ancient writing.

Moreover, Chinese character components are most important when you write Chinese characters. To illustrate, every Chinese characters should have particular

character components. For instance,‘氵’,this character component is about water, and if you want write any words about water, like river, lake, stream and sea, you should write this character component in the Chinese characters, like ‘ 河,湖,溪,海’; ‘木’,this character component is about woods, and if you want to write any words about woods, like forest and tree, you should write this character component in the Chinese characters, like ‘森,树’. As you see, the character components always located to the left of the Chinese characters, which are the writing rules.

All in all, the three parts of Chinese characters: the Oracle Bone Inscriptions, the changes in the shape of Chinese characters and Chinese character components, which I have introduced, and these are very interesting if you interested in the language of every country. That is only part of Chinese characters, which I have introduced. If you read my article, and you are interested in Chinese characters, you can search the knowledge about Chinese characters on the Internet. I can make sure that you will find the beauty of Chinese characters if you study it in depth.



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