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两百字英语作文 我喜欢的城市

2020-08-07 11:15:01

The City I likeThere are many beautiful cities with different landscape features in China,such as Suzhou,Xian,Guilin.All of them are places of interest.Yet Wuhan is the city I like,which is located in the center of Hubei province.As the major juncture of nine provinces,Wuhan can be reached either by ship,by bus,by train or by plane, so it has convenient transportation.The typical scenic spots are Yellow Crane Tower and East lake.Standing on Yellow Crane Tower,travellers can overlook Tortoise Mountain and look down at Snake Mountain.Tortoise Mountain lies in Hanyang district and Tortoise Mountain lies in Wuchang district.Either of them is another kind of landmark.Tortoise Mountain is separated from Tortoise Mountain by Yangtse River.Allegedly the two mountains stemed from King Yu combating the flood,a long history of 4000 years.Yellow Crane Tower has been rebuilt for many times.The modern pattern of Yellow Crane Tower with great momentum and magnificence is pseudo classic architecture made of modern material.Tourists on it can have a good view of Chutian cloud and the beauty of Jiangcheng.East lake lies in the east of Wuchang district,adjacent to Moshan.Rows of flowers and trees are planted around it.The water is so clear that travellers standing at the bank can see all sorts of fish swim freely here and there .Climbing to the top of Moshan on foot is a hard thing,but mountaintop can be reached by cableway.On the cableway tourists can overlook the beauty of East lake.Though I spent four years in Wuhan many years ago,I still rember it,or I like it.



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