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2020-08-10 12:54:01

Robinson Crusoe is one of the worlds most popular adventure novels. Daniel Defoe based his classic tale of shipwreck and survival on an uninhabited island, which is based on a true story. The real Robinson Crusoe was a Scotsman named Alexander Selkirk Born in 1676, when Selkirk was 19 years old he was cited for indecent conduct in church. Then he ran off to sea. That was in 1695. By 1703 he was the sailing master of a galley. The following year he joined a pirate expedition to the Pacific Ocean that was led by Capt. William Dampier. Selkirks ship had Thomas Straddling as its captain. After spending some time in the Pacific, they were preparing to return to England with their booty. Their ship had suffered considerable damage in battle and Selkirk felt they needed to repair her before setting off around the Horn. The captain disagreed. After an argument, Selkirk refused to go any farther and demanded he be set ashore on the Island of Juan Fernandez, which was about 400 miles off the coast of Chile. The captain was glad to do this.



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