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Doing Housework 初中生我爱做家务英语作文

2020-08-17 12:09:01

I think housework is that kind of thing that I do not like doing. But I have to do that. I always do housework such as washing dishes, cleaning desks and making ground clean. Cleaning desks is the thing I will do. Because I was taught to do that by my cousin 3 years ago.

At 9:00 on that day I was playing outside with my cousin. She asked me Can you make a desk clean? I said I could not. So she taught me how to clean a desk. She said First, you should find a piece of cloth and put it into water. Then clean everywhere on the desk and repeat that.

I agree that story is simple and not interesting. But in my heart, it is a story that I can not forget. I find doing housework is a little interesting from that day .



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