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2020-08-21 12:18:01

1.用较高级词汇替换第一反应词: 在写作的过程中,很多考生习惯第一反应想到哪个单词就使用哪个单词,比如谈到“好”就是good,而第一反应词往往是比较简单的,甚至不适合书面语言,所以千万别一想到某个简单而顺手的词就立刻下笔,而是思考它的同义词。思考后考生会得到4到5个同义词,这里的任意一个词都可能会比你想的第一个词复杂些。通常考生想到的第一个词是平时使用较多的词,也是比较简单表意比较笼统的词,所以放在口语中使用更加适合,而写作用词最好用书面词汇,并且书面词汇会比起第一反应词的笼统,表意更加具有指向性,进而可以使文章语言更具生动和真实性。2.学会用多个同义英语词汇表达一个中文意思 在中文中习惯“求同不求异”,所以我们习惯用同一个词来强调某一个概念,而在英文中正相反 “求异不求同”,所以就要学会用不同的词来表示同一个概念。比如:好的:就可以用positive, favorable, rosy 美好的,promising 有希望的,perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior替换good。3.句型要尽可能多样化 高考英语写作其实就是一个“SHOW",你要在短短几十分钟内秀出你学了十几年的英语就要学会尽可能地多使用自己会的句型和语法知识。尤其是在作文中非常好用的“非限定性定语从句”“时间状语从句”等等。4.连接词要常用 要想让自己的文章行文顺畅,逻辑合理,就要学会使用起到各种作用的连接词。以下是高考英语常用连接词总结:表层次:first , second , third ; firstly , secondly , thirdly ;to begin with , further, in the first place , to start with , still , furthermore ; what’s more , last , but , not the least , also , and then , next , besides , and equally important too,moreover , besides , in addition , finally表转折:by contrast;although ; though ; yet ; at the same time ; but ; despite the fact that;even so ; in contrast ; nevertheless ; even though ; for all that ; notwithstanding ; on the other hand ; otherwise ; instead ; still;regardless表因果:therefore ; consequently ; because of ; for this reason ; thus ; hence ; due to ; owing to ; so ; accordingly ; thanks to ; on this account ; since ; as ; on that account; in this way ; for ; as a result ; as a consequence 表让步:still ; nevertheless ; granted ; naturally; in spite of ; all the same ; of course ; despite ; even so ; after all表递进:furthermore ; moreover ; likewise;what is more ; besides ; also ; In addition表举例:for example ; for instance ; for one thing ; that is to illustrate表解释:As a matter of fact ; Frankly speaking ; In this case ; namely ; In other words表总结:In summary ; in a word ; thus ; in brief ; In conclusion ; all together ; to conclude ; In fact ; finally ; in simpler terms ; indeed ; In short ; in particular ; on the whole ; Namely ; in all ; therefore ; to summarize表比较:in comparison;likewise ; however ; like ; similarly ; equally ; in the same way表时间:After a while ; afterward ; next ; now ; Again and then ; presently ; as long as ;Shortly ; simultaneously ; at length ; At that time ; since ; so far ; before ; earlier ; soon ; still ; eventually ; subsequently ; then ; formerly ; thereafter ; In the past ; until now ; meanwhile ; lately表强调:Of course ; indeed ; surely ; As a matter of fact ; above all ; Most important ; in particular ; That is to say ; certainly ; in fact ; Anyway ; in this case ; naturally ; Obviously ; no doubt ; actually ; clearly5.字要尽可能公整 毕竟这是应试作文,判卷时间是很有限的,所以在很大程度上,文章的“外在形象”非常重要,因为我们留给阅卷老师的“印象”极为重要,所以就要让你的字尽可能工整~来自:求助得到的回答



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