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中考有关环保的英语作文带翻译 要说保护环境的重要性 做什么保护环境和体会。

2020-08-21 17:48:01

It is universally acknowledged that our environment is becoming worse and worse. So it is high time that we should take actions to protect our dear earth. As we all know, nature provides us with abundant resource ,which is essential to our living .However,nowadays some people persue benefits at the expense of dentroying the environment. With the nature being worse and worse, how can we turn blind eyes to it? I think we should firstly treasure the resource like water and electricy by some ways like turning off lights when we leave the room.Then we are supposed to advertise the disadvantages of pollution to other people. I hold the firm belief that as long as we try our best together, the environment can be protected well. 众所周知,我们的环境变得越来越坏。所以该是我们采取行动来保护我们亲爱的地球的时候了。 我们都知道,自然给我们提供了丰富的资源,这资源对我们的生存来说非常重要。然而,最近一些人以破坏环境为代价追求利益。当环境越来越糟糕的时候,我们还能熟视无睹吗? 我想,我们应该首先通过一些如随手关灯的方法来珍惜水,电资源。然后我们应该向他人宣传污染的不利之处。 我坚定地相信只要我们一起努力,环境一定会被保护得很好。都是自己打的,望采纳



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