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以从身边的小事做起 保护环境 关爱地球为主题的英语作文

2020-08-22 08:12:01

Our earth is sweating and steaming because of the large population and warm weather, some people think it doesn’t matter when the earth gets a little warmer. But we are wrong, if the earth gets hotter, it will cause the level of the sea to rise. And as a result of it, lots of cities of the coast such as Shanghai, Hainan would be under water. Besides, the global weather system will change too, causing too much rain in some areas and too little in others. Through we know the condition of our Earth is becoming worse, few people will do something to protect the environment. Too many of us just sit back and take it for granted that its the governments’ responsibility. Meanwhile, we must change our thoughts, everyone can make a change .We can plant a tree, abandon using plastic bags and do some recycling. The workers and students also can choose the bus to go to work or school instead of cars. In a word, the earth need the care from human beings, we should make the environment protection stronger and improve the condition of our earth.



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