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2019重庆中考英语作文题预测 – 木木英语作文网

2020-08-25 10:27:01

年重庆有哪些预测英语作文吗?下面是 小编给大家精心挑选的20xx重庆中考英语作文题预测,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!,20xx中考英语作文题预测篇1, 假设你是李华,下面是感动中国20xx年度人物—无臂钢琴师刘伟的感人事迹,请你写一份人物简介,并阐述你的感受。,20xx中考英语作文题预测篇2, 1.1987年出生;2.10岁因一场事故而被截去双臂;3.12岁时学会了游泳,两年后在全国残疾人游泳锦标赛上夺得两枚金牌;4.19岁练习用脚趾弹钢琴;5.20xx年《中国达人秀》总冠军;6.20xx年维也纳金色大厅演出。, Liu Wei was chosen as one of the ten touching figures of 20xx in China, winning the “Moving China” Award., Liu was born in 1987. He lost both his arms when he was ten after an accident. Two years later, he learned to swim and managed to take two gold medals in the National Paralyzed Swimming Championship at 14. Soon after that he was forced to give up swimming due to physical condition. At 19, he began to practice playing the piano by tapping keys with his toes. His efforts finally paid off. He became Champion of China s Got Talent in 20xx and gave a memorable performance in Vienna s Golden hall in 20xx., I can t believe one can play piano with toes, but Liu just made it. From him I knew deeply that if we try, we might get a chance of success. If we don t try, we will be bound to gain nothing., 请你阅读你的加拿大网友Tommy的e mail,根据e mail的内容,给他写一封回信.,20xx中考英语作文题预测篇3, Dear Li Lei,



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