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汶川地震的英语作文80词左右1时间地点:2008年5月12日下午2点28分 四川省汶川县映秀

2020-09-04 10:33:01

2008年5月12日14时28分04秒,四川汶川、北川发生里氏8.0级地震,地震造成69227人遇难,374643人受伤,17923人失踪.此次地震为新中国成立以来国内破坏性最强、波及范围最广、总伤亡人数最多的地震之一,被称为“汶川大地震”.为表达全国各族人民对四川汶川大地震遇难同胞的深切哀悼,国务院决定,2008年5月19日至21日为全国哀悼日.地震让500多万人无家可归四川灾后恢复重建的伟大实践,集中体现了全心全意为人民服务的中国共产党的伟大力量,充分展示了中华民族和衷共济、团结奋斗的民族品格;集中体现了中国特色社会主义制度的无比优越.四川省纳入国家灾后恢复重建总体规划的29692个项目已完工99%,概算投资8658亿元已完成投资99.5%译文:Fourteen twenty eight on May 12, 2008 04 seconds, a magnitude 8 earthquake in Wenchuan, SichuanBeichuan, the earthquake caused 69227 people dead,374643 injured, 17923 missing.The earthquake since the establishment of domesticChina destructive, the widest range, the largest number of casualties of the total earthquake, known as the"Wenchuan earthquake".Decision of the State Council to express our deepcondolences, people of all nationalities in SichuanWenchuan earthquake victims compatriots, came 21 days on May 19, 2008 as a national day of mourning.The earthquake lets about 5000000 people homelessThe great practice of restoration and reconstruction after the earthquake of Sichuan, which embodies the great power of the Communist Party of Chinese put ones heart and soul into serving the people, fully demonstrated the Chinese nation work together with one heart, unity ofnational character; embodies the superiority of socialist system China characteristics.Sichuan Province into the national post disaster restoration and reconstruction planning 29692 projectshave been completed 99%, estimated investment of 865800000000 yuan has been invested 99.5%

汶川地震的英语作文80词左右1时间地点:2008年5月12日下午2点28分 四川省汶川县映秀镇2程度:新中国成立以来最烈的地震之一3损失:几万人丧生 成千上万人无家可归4前景



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