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八年级英语下册unit4 作文

2020-09-08 17:18:02

八年级英语 unit4whydon t you talk to your parents? 作文: what s your opinion of after school chasses for children? About 60words. 作文素材: Agree: After school classes are good for the children s future. They can help children get into good schools and universities. Some of these classes help children get better grades at school. Better grades help children feel good about themselves. Some classes help children learn important skills not taught at school. These skills may help children relax. People learn better at a younger age. Children have more time than adults, so they should learn as much as they can before they get too busy to learn new things. Disagree: After school classes take away the children s free time. Children have no time to relax and just do nothing. Children may be so busy they have no time to absorb what they have been taught. Some children are made to learn skills they are not interested in. These classes cause the children to be stressed. These classes take away the children s childhood. 范文 Dear Sir or Madam, I don t really agree with what parents are saying about after school classes because they only seem to think about getting their children into good schools or having successful children. Although some parents are right about the importance of learning at a young age, I think children should be allowed to be children and have a happy childhood. In my opinion, it is important for parents not to push their children too hard. I believe it is better if parents try to really understand their children s interests and abilities first so that they will not make their children take classes that are not proper for them. Perhaps parents could let their children decide for themselves if they want to have any after school classes. If children are allowed to take the classes they like , They will grow up to be not only successful in their own way but also happy . Yours truly, Tom



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