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2020-09-08 17:54:01

给你提供三篇,自己选择一下吧.1My name’s Oliver.I’m a 15 year old student of medium build.I’m outgoing.The thing that I like best is a bike.The bike is very special.It’s a little different from other bikes.It’s a bit bigger.When I was 12 years old my parents gave it to me as a birthday present.How happy I was that day!Now I often ride it to school and on weekends I ride it to the sports club to play sports.When I come home I clean it carefully.I love my bike and I love my parents.2Hi.I’m a student of 14.My name’s Sue.I’m of medium height and very popular in my class.I’ve got many things but I like my pen best.The pen is beautiful.It is black.It’s one of the presents that I’ve got.Last year I got a C in English and I was very sad.My English teacher gave the pen to me and encouraged me to study hard.From then on I spent more time studying English.Now I have made great progress in English and I enjoy learning English.I love my pen and I live my English teacher.3.My favourite thingsMy favourite things are books and apples.Why do I like books so much?Because I can learn a lot of things from books.If I read more and more books,I will know more and more things about the world.Books are useful for us.Why do I like apples so much?Because apples are very tasty.Its very good for us to eat apples often.so,My favourite things are books and apples.



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