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2020-09-09 09:06:01




My friend Vivi is a lively and smart girl,she has long black hair and she is a tallest girl in our class.She is warm hearted and good looking so that everyone loves her.Im so glad to make friend with her.Im out going too,so we have been good friends for long time.But sometimes I like quiet but she doesnt.And her marks are not good as me.So,i suggested her that she should work hard in her study so that we can go to the same university.

This person is my best friend Vivi who i can tell everything to.Like my deeply feelings and thoughts.




My new deskmate is a boy of sixteen. His name is Zhang Gao. He is 1.8 meters tall. His strongly built body and sun tanned skin make him look like a sportsman. He has two big dark eyes under a pair of thick eyebows. It seems that they are always smiling at you. Compared with my yellow hair, his hair is black and thick. He speaks a little bit fast but very clearly. However, he likes to gesture from time to time while hes talking. He has a dream of becoming a famous actor one day. I believe his dream will come true because of his handsome face and well developed figure.



Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the 32ndPresident of the United States and a central figure in world events during the mid 20th century, leading the United States during a time of worldwide economic crisis and world war. The only American president elected to more than two terms, he forged a durable coalition that realigned American politics for decades. FDR defeated incumbent Republican Herbert Hoover in November 1932, at the depths of the Great Depression. FDRs combination of optimism and activism contributed to reviving the national spirit.Working closely with Winston Churchill andJoseph Stalin in leading the Allies against Germany and Japan in World War II, he died just as victory was in sight.

罗斯福 富兰克林是美国的第32届总统,在二十世纪中期的世界事件中是一个核心人物,他领导美国期间美国经历了一次世界性经济危机和一次世界大战。作为美国历史上唯一一个连任两期的总统,他将美国的政客们联合起来,并且这种团结持续了几十年。罗斯福与1932年十一月,大萧条最严重的时期,击败了当时在任的共产党人和波特 胡文。罗斯福乐观与积极的态度在鼓舞国民士气上发挥了巨大的作用。在二次世界大战期间,与文森特 撒切尔和约瑟夫 斯大林密切合作领导联盟对抗德国和日本,就是胜利在即的时候他不幸去世。


My father is a humorous person.My father short stature,fine fine thin,white skin,black hair,a head of the big wave self invited roll hair,who would think that he is met at the barbers hot. His colleagues said he is narrowed down fei xiang,I think so too. He is a fine art,is famous in the central south five provinces binding artist,his one man show has a favorable review in the many famous people. After another wall,he is a funny people,special love kidding,I dont know if all of the art is very humor,I think my dads body is full of humor cells. No matter how tired he how busy work,as long as take a door,exactly,he said,as long as a see me,and immediately he smile,I followed delightful sounds.

我的爸爸是一的人。我的爸爸身材矮小,瘦精精的,白白的皮肤,黑黑的头发,那一头自来卷儿的 大波浪 发型,谁见了都会以为他是在理发店烫的。他的同事们都说他是缩小了的费翔,我也这样认为。他是个搞美术的,是中南五省小有名气的装帧艺术家,他的个人画展得到过很多知士的好评。他又是个顶顶滑稽的人,特别爱开玩笑,我不知道是不是所有搞艺术的人都非常幽默,反正我觉得我爸爸身上充满了幽默细胞。不管他上班有多忙多累,只要一进家门,确切他说,只要一见到我,他就立刻眉开眼笑,我也跟着手舞足蹈起来。


Deng Yaping,28,is a world famous woman player of table tennis.She comes from Henan Province. At the age of 4,she began to play ping pong under her fathers instructions. When she was 8 years old,she won the championship in the national competition of the amateur sports school. In 1988 she entered the National Training Team. After that she won medals one after another,including gold medals in the 1 l th Asian Games Table Tennis Competition and the 41st World Table Tennis Championship and two gold medals in the 25th Olympic Games. Is she born a table tennis player? No. She is only 1.5 meters in height,which is her disadvantage. However,she overcame it by hard work and perservance.Her success proves where there is a will,there is a way.



My grandfather is in his seventies now. He is a kind and warm hearted old man.

He used to live with my family. At that time he always spent more than one hour examining my homework every day. When I was ill,he took good care of me. He showed great concern.

Grandfather is very warm hearted to his neighbors and is always ready to help them. One day,a girl who is one of his neighbors injured her leg carelessly. My grandfather took her to the hospital at once and paid the fees with his own savings.

Now my grandfather is living in another city with my aunt. My parents and I all miss him very much. And I hope that I can go to visit him soon.





Deng Yaping,28,from Henan Province,is a talented woman player f table tennis. She was the table tennis champion of the 1 l th Asian Games nd the 41st World Table Tennis Championship. And in the 25th Olympic ames she won two gold medals. Why can she make such brilliant chievements with the disadvantage of her Short figure? Her hard work and etermination to succeed helped her to overcome many disadvantages. At the age of 4,she began to play table tennis under the guidance of her father. When she was 8,she won the championship in the national competition of the amateur sports school. In 1988 she became a member of the National Training Team. On her way to success,she proved that height was nothing and hard work was everything.



My grandfather is very kind to me. He loves me very much. I am the apple of his eye,but when it comes to my study he is very strict. Every day he spends more than one hour examining my homework. With his help,I have been doing well in my studies.

My grandfather is also warm hearted to his neighbors and is always ready to help them. One day,a girl who is one of his neighbors injured her leg carelessly. My grandfather took the girl to the hospital at once and paid the fees with his own savings.

My grandfather is a kind and easy going man,but now he is living in another city with my aunt. We all miss him very much and I hope that I can go to visit him soon.






Our English teacher, Ms Huang, came to our school in 1970. She has been an English teacher for more than 30 years. She works hard and has been a model teacher for many years.

She is kind and friendly to us after class, but She is rather strict with us in class. She always encourages us to speak and read more English. She often says, Practice makes perfect.

She is good at teaching and tries her best to make every lesson lively and interesting. She often gives us slide shows, teaches us English songs and helps us to put on short English play.

She is not only our teacher but also our friend. We all respect and love her.

Tomorrow she is going to attend an important meeting, at which she will be given a medal for her advanced deeds.


课下,她对我们很友善,但课堂上却对我们要求很严。她经常带鼓励我们多说多读英语,常常说 熟能生巧 。




My mother has a pair of keen eyes which can speak. With her eyes,she observed my mood,gave me courage and made me strong. Therefore,I could face difficulties.

When I was a baby learning to walk,my mother always lent me a hand and encouraged me to get up while I fell down. As I finally threw myself into her arms,her eyes smiled with praise. Later as I grew up,I met with more difficulties. But whenever I was frustrated,my mothers eyes always gave me hope and encouragement. Once I failed in exams,my mother encouraged me to find out the reasons. Instead of blaming me she pushed me to do better. At last I overcame the difficulty. Now I have grown up and become more independent,but whenever I come across setbacks,my mothers eyes are always with me encouraging me wherever I go.




Zhang Dong is my best friend. He entered our class last semester. He is a boy. Both of us are good at English, so we often have a chat in English in our spare time. After school, we often play football together on the playground. He runs so fast that I can not catch up with him. He is an excellent student. He not only gets good marks in all subjects butalso is very kind and modest. He loves popular songs and also classical music.

There are three people in his family and he is the only child. His father is a doctor and his mother is a Beijing Opera actress. Though Zhang Dongs family is wealthy, he is usually simply dressed. He has a dream which is to be a lawyer.

Such is my friend, a clever and kind boy. He is highly praised by the teachers and students.





A friend is a person who can let you feel warm when you are depressed.So I have many friends.But XXX is my best friend.He is as old as me.He taller than me.Basketball is his favorite sport.We are in the same class.He is good at study.So his study is very good.We learn from each other and help each other.He will help me if i got in trouble.I will help he as much as I can. I hope our friendship will forever and ever.

We are in the same class. He likes studying and is good at it, so he gets high marks. We learn from each other and help each other. He will help me if I ever get into troubles. So will I. I hope our friendship will last forever and ever。







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