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2020-09-09 11:42:01

A field trip I went go to the Fu jian xiao men four years ago.Its a good place,so many people stay at there.I like that xiamen gu lang yu.So romantic place it is.When you see the xiao men,you should be go to the gu langyu and xiao men university.It looks like a beautiful place.And almost person will like it.我最喜欢的季节,我非常喜欢秋天。秋天就像一个收获的日子。在下午金色的收获里,你可以戴上太阳镜。去看海,你会看到太阳,他所有的荣耀。如此棒的一天。My birthday Today is my birthday.Many friends give me a lot of gifts.I was very happy.Had some rabbilt save money tin,some watercups,some movie tickets.We are the good friends,and have a fun day today.我的生日,今天是我的生日。很多朋友给我很多礼物。我很高兴。有一些兔子的存钱的一些罐子,一些水杯,几张电影票。我们是好朋友,今天是有趣的一天。What are you doing I was stuff the interenet now.Fixed some pictures,did my creation works picture.Transfor the picture,change the colour,and at the same time,I also talk with my friends if they had some problem,I will resolve about it.正在做我的事情,我正在上网。修改一些图片,我的创作作品图片。转换图片,改变颜色,同时,我也跟我的朋友们聊天,如果他们有一些问题,我会帮忙解决。Look at the monkey Hey,looked at the monkey.So lovely,naughty,funny,the behaviour of the funny,what a cunning of monkey.Hey,doesnt take my bag and stolen my foods.Dont do that.You are a cunning guy.看那只猴子嘿,看猴子。那么可爱,顽皮的,有趣的,滑稽的行为,一个狡猾的猴子。嘿,拿了我的包偷走了我的食物。不要那样做。你是一个狡猾的家伙。A field trip I went go to the Fu jian xiao men four years ago.Its a good place,so many people stay at there.I like that xiamen gu lang yu.So romantic place it is.When you see the xiao men,you should be go to the gu langyu and xiao men university.It looks like a beautiful place.And almost person will like it.一场旅行。我四年前我就去福建。它是一个很好的地方,所以许多人呆在那里。我喜欢厦门鼓浪屿。所以它是浪漫的地方。当你看到厦门,你应该去厦门大学和鼓浪屿。它看上去像一个美丽的地方。我想去过的人,几乎人人都会喜欢它。



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