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初中三年英语收获 作文

2020-09-09 14:45:01

With graduation approaching, I have a lot to share with you. It is the time in the senior school that colors my daily life. During the three years, I have built up a good relationship with my teachers and classmates. What impresses me most is teachers’ devotion to the education cause and their effective teaching. My classmates’ positive attitudes towards life and commitments to study also affect me greatly. What’s more, I have learnt a lot both in class and from various school activities, which I think is quite beneficial to my future study and life. How time flies! It is sad to be aware of the end of the happy three years. But it is exciting to realize we’re facing a new life and a good opportunity ahead. Let’s cherish the time that we spend in the school and work hard for a bright future!



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