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2020-09-10 09:30:01



第一句: 描述背景 There are various different opinions on the subject of …

替换句型: there are widely differing views on the issue of whether …or not .

The issue of whether …or not is certainly a contentious one .

The past 20 years have seen a dramatic increase in …

The past 20 years have seen a considerable increase in …

These days , it seems that …

第二句: 引入话题 while some people might suggest that …,

替换句型:1. while some still hold to the view that …

2. this raises certain question about …

3. Despite the arguments of some people that …

第三句: 表达观点 I personally believe that …

替换句型:1. In this essay , I intend to argue that …

2. I would argue that the overall impact of …has in fact been negative / positive . Two of the primary drawbacks associated with this trend are as follows .

3. Although there are valid arguments to the contrary , in this paper I will argue that

4. It is my believe that …

5. Personally I do not agree with this opinion , for the following reasons

6. However , I am not a believer in the argument that …

7. I disagree with this point of view for the following reasons


第一句: Firstly, obvious is a sight that …

替换句型:1. first of all , it is indisputable fact that …

2. first of all , it is an undeniable fact that …

3. it is an irrefutable fact that …

4. it is vitally important that …

5. one point which I believe to be absolutely pivotal is the fact that …

6. it is vital that …

第二句: This is because …

第三句: for example …

替换句型: This is particularly so given the fact that …



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