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2020-09-10 11:06:01

Were born in this world, the first touch is the family , perhaps we had a quarrel with his family, also have a disagreement, but when frustrated, is they accompany us, towards the unknown future, perhaps and they get along with time may not be a long time, but they have to give our love without reservation, I admit, I really will make parents angry, but on the rise countries at that time, I changed, because I don t want to in the circle of life, wasted the time belongs to us. We don t know, how long can you live in this world, the only sure: family love is never change. My family is not rich, but I have a warm family, also let me understand a lot of way of doing things a person, everyone wants to be loved, but don t know what is the definition of love? Actually, love is very simple, just hard to understand a person, and to care for others.

Life won t last very long, I hope that love in the world, this is my view of the world, because I know, nothing, no character, no love, no care is equal to the waste in life, there is no meaning, so, don t let your own life meaningful? So, I want to take advantage of reading to giving back to the family love.

If the parents don t care about his daughter, he won t leave your tears, and the children don t care about his parents, will not Mr Spell a career, to let their parents a better life. But I, is the same, for your family also have feelings, loathe to give up, happy, sad mood, such as in the end I want to say is, I really love all the people in my family.

人出生在这世界上,最早接触到的就是 家人 ,也许我们曾经和家人吵架过,也有意见不合的时候,但当受到挫折时,却是他们陪伴着我们,一起走向未知的未来,或许和他们的相处时间可能不会很久,但他们却毫无保留的把爱给我们,我承认,我真的很会惹父母生气,不过在升上国一时,我改了,因为我不想在过鬼打墙的日子中,浪费了属于我们的时光。

我们并不知道,自己到底可以在这个世界上活多久,而唯一肯定的是: 家人的爱 是永远不会变的。我家并不富有,但我有个温馨的家庭,也让我懂很多做人处事的道理,每一个人都希望被爱,不过,并不知道爱的定义是甚么?其实,爱很简单,只是用心的去懂一个人,并且去关怀他人而已。


假如,父母不在乎自己的女儿,就不会留下自己的眼泪,而子女不在乎自己的父母,就不会努拼着事业,来让自己的父母过好一点的生活。而我,也是一样的,对自己的家人也会有感情、舍不得、开心、难过等情绪存在,最后我想说的是, 我真的很爱我们家所有的人。

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