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2020-09-10 11:36:02

> > > > 高一英语作文我的家庭高一英语作文我的家庭发布时间:2019 11 26



You haven t been to my home? You will see my home feel very ordinary, but I think my family is very good. I ll introduce.

My family lives in the county really bring shuguang primary school on the first floor. My door is silver. A pile of coal is entered the kitchen, on the left, on the right is the bowl of cabinet. Out of the kitchen is on the right is the bathroom toilet. Straight walk into a room, is very big, put two beds, two cabinets, there is a small box and a big carton. One out of the room is the living room. The sitting room has two table, two cabinets. A cabinet on the TV. Our family is usually watch TV here. Go straight up a staircase, on which there are three rooms, one is my sister and I, one is my parents, one is rent out for the school office. My room has two small table, a big bed and a small bed, mom and dad s room has a big bed and a table.

Live seven people in my family. The seven are: father, mother, grandmother, sister, brother, sister. My father love to play CARDS, watch TV, smoking, drinking, his job is to repair the motorcycle. Mother love knitting wool, no work, at home to our meals, laundry... Sister love rubber band skipping, primary school, grade 2.

I love my home, the home is my rely on, I can t have no home.


I have a happy family.

Mom is a good wife and a devoted mother, the mother is responsible for the home, big and small things.

Father no matter what. Although there is no authority, but for my brother and I are very good. Dad is humorous and always make this home every night full of happiness.

I, fairly good grades, named as three good student every year. Sometimes do housework at home, defy spirit. Because they interrupted my interest.

Brother is a little naughty, but very cute. Naughty when hou, a full face of black, like bao; Cute, like a rabbit.

My family really cute, really cute. This is my praise for my family.

My family is very lovely, very happy.


I have a harmonious and happy, full of love and warm family, a total of four mouth people, I am clever, lively, competent brother, good mother, wisdom, hardworking father, I was surrounded by a thick affection, move.

It was a heavy snow night, I fell ill with a fever, my parents and brother are very try so hard, the elder brother to buy a fever, but was stopped by my dad, dad forgot to wear my raincoat and ran out, mother put down her work at home with his big brother to take care of me, the snow was falling, the greater the shortly afterwards, dad came back, body, eyebrows are snowflakes, can be risked the sweat on the face, I saw dad full head big sweat, I can t help leave the tears, brother busy pouring water, mother hurriedly pass me the medicine, drink it down, I fell asleep very drowsy, and parents are still in front of the head of a bed waiting for me, they see I wake up, a face of surprise and I saw them the appearance of fatigue. I left the tears again moved.

That day, I know what love is, what is love? Love is when you are sick, family members will carefully take care of you. What is love? Love is when you meet with difficulties, family to selflessly to help you. What is love? Love is a waiting for, a love, a love. My little room to grow in love, good happiness!





4.英语作文:我的家庭My family




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