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英语人教版七年级下册Unit3 Writing

2020-09-15 09:24:01

单元写作目标:如何写与交通方式有关的文章Write an e mail to tell Tom and tell him how you get toschool.Important sentences1.What time do you get to school? ?2.How do you get to school?3.How far is it from your home to school?4.How long does it take you to get to school?5.Do you like your trip to school?Stage 1:词汇go to schoolby bus take a busgo to work by subwaytake the subwaygo to the villageby traintake a traingo homeby carride a cargo to workdrive a cargo to playride a bike bike rideby bikego to shoolon foottake a walkStage 2:连词成句其他词汇离开家乘公交才之行锻炼住在一个小村庄从我家到学校有15公里。How far is it from...to...1. It s about fifteen kilometers from my home to school.2. My school is about fifteen kilometers from my home . 20 minutes It takes me 20 minutes How long does it takeyou to get from home to school ?to go to school by bike.It takes sb some time to do sth.It takes e me about y forty minutes to go to school by bike . .It takes sb.some time to do sth.Stage 3:连句成文Dear Tom:How are you? Thanks for your e mail .I am Mary, I am12, I in a small village. On school days, I usually up at 6:00, I home 6:30 in the morning .My school is about 15 kilometers my home. I to school bike. It me half an hour to to school.The bike is very interesting, It s goodexercise.Model essayDear Tom;How are you?Thanks for your e mail. I am Mary , I am12,I live in a small village. On school days, I get up at 6:00, I leave home at 6:30 in themorning .My school is about 15 kilometers frommy home. I go to school by bike. It takes me half an hour to get to school.The bike ride is very interesting, It s good exercise.ModelappreciationStage 4: 实践Have a try by yourselves!自己试一试!Who is the best writer?谁是最好的作家?根据下面内容,给Tom 写一封邮件...



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