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2020-09-15 09:33:01


70词的优秀英语作文一 一位好老师 A Good Teacher

Miss Li is my English teacher. The first day I met her, I liked her, because she looked so young and nice. Miss Li liked to write some inspiring words in our homework. So everytime when I handed in my paper, I was so looking forward to getting Miss Li s response. I remembered one time, I did not do well in an English test. Miss Li wrote the words to me and she believed me I could make great progress next time. I was so moved, so when I had annoyance, I would like to talk to her. Miss Li is my guide. She can give me suggestion and lead me to the right direction.


70词的优秀英语作文二 不为人知的故事 The Unknown Story

Recently, a story was spending among students. It was said that there was a thief stealing things at night. Then the next day, another rumor spread that it was the student who studied at this school. So everybody started to analyse the rumor and some students became the suspects. When these students passed by, other students stared at them and whispered. Finally, the truth came out, nobody stole things, just the cat. The rumor almost destroyed some people. They did nothing but had to bear the rumor. As the stand by, it is better not to discuss the unknown story, because we know nothing. Rumor could ruin a person, so don t do the guilty thing.


70词的优秀英语作文三 付出就有一定有回报吗? Does Hard Work Bring Result?

Everybody knows that if we want to be successful, we must work hard. As the saying that practice makes perfect, so only hard work can bring us the result we want. Most people are easy to get frustrated when they believe that they deserve the return after making effort, however, actually, working hard won t be surely guarantee the result we chase. But on the process of chasing our dreams, we gain the experience, which will be great helpful of future goal. There is no need to get distressed when we meet setback, because the road to success is not easy, but if we treat these experience as the treasure, then we will be happy all the time.


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