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2020-09-15 12:24:01

外研版英语七年级下话题作文范文.doc 人人文库网 /4 费用:10 积分 人人文库网 外研版英语七年级下话题作文范文.doc 外研版英语七年级下话题作文范文.doc 七年级下作文范文 作文专题一 失物招领 假设你是Kate,来自七年级(1)班。 昨天早上,你骑自行车去图书馆,回来时发现自行车不见了。车子是新的,蓝色的,前面有一个黄色的篮子(basket)。 请写一则寻物启事,你的电话号码是3278781. 提示ride a bike, go to library, telephone number 要求50 词左右 Lost失物招领 My name is Kate. I’m from Class1, Grade7. Yesterday morning I went to the library by bike . I found the bike was lost when I went back. I felt very sad . It’s a birthday present from my mother . It’s a new blue bike. It has a yellow basket. If you find it. Please call me . My telephone number is 3278781. Thanks 专题二 竞选班干部 新学期开始,七(1)班同学踊跃参加班干部竞选活动。 假设你是Daming,请根据以下表格内容,写一篇竞选词。 Name Daming Can 1. get on well with everyone, classmates and teachers 2. work very hard 3. do well at school 4. help teachers 5. be ready to help others Promise承诺 1. help you 2. make our classroom beautiful 提示would like, I can, promise to My name is Daming. I would like to be the class monitor. Here are my reasons理由. First, I can get on well with everyone, classmates and teachers. Second, I work very hard so I do well at school. Finally, I can help teachers and I’m ready to help others. Choose me as the class monitor. I promise to help you and make our classroom beautiful. 专题三 制定计划 假如你是班长,负责组织班级的一次课外活动。请根据提示, 用英文写一篇活动计划。 内容要点 1.下星期天早上7点在校门口集合, 下午2点返回; 2.坐公交车前往北海 公园Beihai Park; 3.唱歌、跳舞、野餐; 4.带齐食物、饮料等; 5.注意安全。 词参考词汇 activity活动; keep away from fire远离火 Our class is going to Beihai Park next Sunday. We are going to meet at the school gate at 700 on Sunday morning. And we are going to be back at 200 pm. We plan to take a bus to Beihai Park. We are going to have many activities there, such as singing, dancing and having a picnic. We are going to take lots of food and drink. We should be careful. And we must keep away from fire all the time. I hope we are going to enjoy ourselves. 专题四 Life in the future 想象你们未来的生活,如学校、工作、旅行、天气等 School study at home, no homework Work robots will do the heavy work for you, Travelling have more free time have a small plane, be easy and fast Weather no more light rain and cold wind, be hot all the year round Life in the future Life in the future will be different. Students will study at home and they will not do homework any more. Robots will help people do the heavy work so people will have more free time. And every family will have a small plane. It will be easy and fast to travel. There will be no more light rain and cold wind. It may be hot all the year round. I’m looking forward to the future. 专题六 My past life 假设你是Tony,谈谈你的过去生活,要求包括以下内容(出生地,出生时间,第一个学校,第一个老师和朋友,童年生活感想)。 be born 出生 a small village, November 24th,1992 first school Tianjing No.1 primary school, small but beautiful first teacher Miss White, taught English, kind but strict first friends Lily and Sarah, were nice and helpful Childhood童年 Simple(简单)but happy My name is Tony. I was born on November 24th, 1992 in a small village. My first school was Tianjing No.1 primary school. It was small but beautiful. Miss White was my first teacher and she taught me English. She was very kind but strict. My first friends were Lily and Sarah. They were very nice and helpful. This is my past life. It was simple but happy. What about yours 专题七 Life history 张怡宁是我国著名的乒乓球运动员,为了让更多的人了解张怡宁,请你根据提供的材料写一篇文章介绍她的文章。80个词左右。 birthday place出生地 Beijing birthday October 5th, 1981 At the age of 6 Start to learn to play table tennis 1995 Join the national team 1999 Win the first prize in the 45th Table Tennis World Champions 2004 win the Olympic gold medal in Athens雅典 your hope for her/ what you learn from her Zhang Yining was born in Beijing on October 5th, 1981. She started to learn to play table tennis at the age of 6. In 1996, she joined the national team. She won the first prize in the 45th Table Tennis World Champions in 1999. In 2004, she won the Olympic gold medal in Athens. She became very famous around the world. She is a successful sports player and I hope she can get the best score in every match. 专题八 A pleasant trip 假设你是李华,上周末你参加了一次郊游outing.请根据下面表格中的提示信息写一篇题为 A pleasant trip 的英语短文。 A pleasant trip 时间 last weekend 参加者 Jack, Tony and I 地点 Renmin Park 活动(activities) rode a bike, climbed the hill, had a picnic, played games. 感受(feeling) was wonderful, had a great time 参考词汇 go for a trip A pleasant trip My name is Li Hua. Jack, Tony and I went for a trip last weekend. We decided to go to the the Renmin Park. It is not very far so we went there by bus. It took us about 15 minutes. In the park, at first, we rode a bike. Then we climbed the hill and had a picnic there. Last, we played games with other people. I think it was wonderful and we had a great time. 专题九 Body language As we all know people often use body language to express表达 their personal feelings. Different countries have different body languages. For example, in China, people shake hands and smile. In America people shake hands and sometimes kiss. In India, people put their hands together and nod their heads. And in Russia, people kiss each other three times left, right, left. Maori people touch noses. 专题十 指路 The museum is between the bank and the restaurant. The park is along the street next to the bank .The shop is opposite(对面) the restaurant .Cross the bridge and then go across the street. Turn left and the station is on your right. 专题十一 精卫填海 Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Nuwa. Her father was Emperor Yan and he loved her. Nuwa often played with her father happily. One day, Nuwa traveled on the sea by boat, but she fell into the sea. because the sea destroyed 损害 the little boat Nuwa died in the sea, Next, she changed into a bird, its name was Jingwei. Emperor Yan missed his daughter very much and often watched the sea sadly. After seeing this, Jingwei decided to fill the sea with little stones. Finally, the sea was very smooth 平滑. 提示请认真阅读1.请仔细阅读文档,确保文档完整性,对于不预览、不比对内容而直接带来的问题本站不予受理。 2.的文档,不会出现我们的网址水印。 3、该文档所得收入(+内容+预览)归上传者、原创作者;如果您是本文档原作者,请!既往收益都归您。 文档包含非法信息?点此举报后获取现金奖励! 文档加载中……请稍候!


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