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2020-09-15 13:33:01

www.ruiwen.com 人物类英语作文

爸爸是我们生命中最特别的男人,他用肩膀了为孩子撑起了一片蓝天。下面是小编整理的我的爸爸英语,一起来看看! 我的爸爸英语作文1


My father is 38 years old, tall, square face, small eyes, but very God, he dressed very neatly. He looks very smart and handsome, but his heart is more beautiful. He is a doctor, he is very enthusiastic about work, a day to night and never complaining called tired.


Once, my uncle from the same floor came home from work for dinner, but I couldn t even see my father s shadow. My mother s cooking was already cold. I ll just go and see him in his office. No one knew I came next to him, nor did he find out. Oh, the original father is looked intently at the data in the computer, my dad told me, these are the inspection data of the patient, if not timely analysis, treatment and operation, will affect the patient I heard, immediately to the father to worship in their eyes.


My father loves working in the unit and goes back to his home and often helps his mother do housework and tutor me to study. Dad has a warm heart, too. One day, we are a family of three from the street back, cloudy, rain began to fall, my mother and I immediately on the floor, but my father has gone upstairs, my mother and I looked out of the window from small to big rain, anxiously grilled window downstairs to see Dad downstairs to help grandma received Liangshai beans...


Dad is really a good example to me. I love my father.



A square face, a pair of bright eyes under thick eyebrows. Fingers thick and short, rough look as if less than others. This is my father, my father is a brain.


On one occasion, the superior came to inspect the work in his father s factory. It happened that something like a pipe on a part was broken and that there was no place to buy it at the moment. What should I do? The people in the factory were as anxious as ants in the hot pan, and dad was no exception. Suddenly, Dad had a brainwave and said to himself, yes. ! He gave his opinion to the leader, and the leader agreed, so he started the experiment. It turned out that he wanted to cool the thermometer and then bend it into the broken part. Done once, again, again, three times in succession, without success. For the last time, he was more careful and careful, and finally succeeded.


Although my father s appearance is not outstanding, but I like him, because he likes to use his head.



好人好事作文300字左右 二年级写景的作文 批判性思维作文 初一下册英语作文必考 声音的作文 可爱的小兔子的作文 记事作文 潮州游记作文 青海湖作文300字 老爸作文 什么是作文 晨风中的身影作文 夸一夸我的同学作文 亲人的关爱作文300字 我就是我作文结尾 五年级语文三单元作文 描写悬空寺的作文 扫黄打非作文800字 堆雪人作文二年级 烧菜作文300字 身边的风景作文600字 快乐如此简单作文 表示母爱的作文 信封格式作文图片 红楼梦的作文 家乡的小桥作文 作文什么里的微感动 关于小水滴的作文 原来什么一直在我身边作文600字 钓鱼的作文500字