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写一篇七年级下册6单元的英语作文介绍你是怎么过周末的1:你在哪里? 爱问知识人

2020-09-15 14:42:01

Today is sunday 。 I am in hainan with my friends now。 I had a good time here。 We went to visit Sanya。 Sanya is a very beautiful city。 It was very hot today。 So we went there by bus。 Sitting on a bus we can watch the seesight in the street。 The street is very crowded。 Sanya is a nice and busy city。 Then we went to the park。 The park is very beautiful。 We can see many banana trees, coconut trees and flowers there。 We took many pictures。 Ill show you the pictures。 We all enjoyed ourselves。希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O∩ ∩O。



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