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2020-09-23 22:00:01

外星人: 你们好!我是地球人杨谨硕,我们地球可好了,这里有春夏秋冬四个季节:春天,百花盛开,树木茂盛,到处都是一片生机勃勃的样子;夏天,天气变的特别热,所以一到了夏天,我就特别喜欢游泳。在夏天里,最常见的昆虫就是知了,因为它一热就会“知了”“知了”的叫个不停;秋天是收获的季节,果园里的水果成熟了,有苹果、梨、石榴等等,看上去可新鲜了,真想咬上一大口;冬天,我们这里会下雪,白色的雪花在空中飘落下来,好像一个个小姑娘在翩翩起舞。大树、房子、地面都被大雪覆盖,好像是因为天气太冷,所以都盖上了白色的被子。这就是我们的四季,你们那里有季节变换吗? 我们这里还有各种场所,比如游乐场、公园、广场等等,每到周末的时候,爸爸妈妈总会带我去那里游玩。 我们地球还有很多国家,比如:中国、美国、英国、日本等等,而且不同的国家,语言和肤色也不同。 我很想了解你们那里的生活,希望你能回信告诉我,也希望你们能早日来我们地球参观 Alien: You are good! I am earthman Yang Jinshuo, our Earth might be good, here had the spring, summer, fall, and winter four seasons: Spring, a hundred flowers in full bloom, the trees are luxuriant, everywhere all is the vigorous signs of life vigorous appearance; In the summer, the weather changes specially hot, as soon as therefore arrived the summer, I specially like swimming.In the summer, the most common insect has known, because an its heat could “know” “has known” has called not to stop; Autumn was the harvest season, in the orchard fruit has been mature, had apple, pear, pomegranate and so on, looked might be fresh, really wanted to nip big mouths; In the winter, our here can snow, the white snowflake in airborne falls gently down, probably each one girl is dancing lightly.The big tree, the house, the ground all by the heavy snow cover, probably are because the weather too is cold, therefore has all covered the white quilt.This is our four seasons, your there has the season to transform? Our here also has each kind of place, for instance amusement park, park, square and so on, whenever weekend times, father and mother would to lead me to go to there to play. Our Earth also has very many countries, for instance: China, US, England, Japan and so on, moreover the different countries, the language and the skin color are also different. I will very want to understand you there life, hoped you can reply in writing tell me, also hoped you will be able soon to come our Earth to visit 自己看了抽几句.就行了



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