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2020-09-24 08:15:01

高中英语作文 1000 字:一堂难忘的课 an un f forgettable l lesson i’ve h had quite a l lot of lesso n ns in my sch o ool life. am o ong them the one given b y y an america n n is most un f forgettable. it was on t u uesday morni n ng. our teac h her told us a an i america r ri would giv e e us an engl i ish lesson. t then in came a young man , , he greeted us in engli s sh and then b began his w a as quite dif f ferent from t those we had before, dur i ing the whol e e eiass, he p played games with us, ta u ught us erig l lish songs a n nd helped us act a dialo g gue. he neit h her taught u s sengllsh gra m mmar rules n o or asked us t to do lots o f f written ee r rcises. he w a as not serio u us at all. h e e was always smiling at e each of us. h happy time w a as always sh o ort. before w we knew it, t the class wa s s over. i wi l ll never for g get his smil e e, his songs and everyth i ing he had d o one in his c l lass. 一堂难忘的课 我在学校上过很多很多的课 。 。其中一位美国老师上的课 最最令我难忘。 那是一个星 期 期二的上午,老师告诉我们 , ,一位美国老师将给我们上 一 一节英语课。随后进来了一 位 位年轻人。他用英语向我们 打 打过招呼,然后就开始上课 了 了。他的课与我们以前的课 大 大不相同。整节课,他与我 们 们一起做游戏,教我们唱了 几 几首英语歌,表演了一个对 话 话。他没教我们语法,也没 让 让我们做大量的笔头练习。 他 他一点也不严肃,一直对我 们 们每个人微笑。欢乐的时光 总 总是短暂的,不知不觉中, 很 很快就下课了。 我永远不 会 会忘记他的微笑,他唱的歌 , ,他在课上所做的一切。



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